Is Your Boyfriend Really a "Woke Bae"?

So, you've found yourself smitten with someone new and they seem like they've got it all together. But wait, are those subtle hints of ignorance you're picking up on? It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new romance, but it's important to pay attention to warning signs that your date may not be as socially aware as you thought. Keep your eyes peeled for these red flags and trust your instincts. And while you're at it, check out this review for some insight into another aspect of modern dating.

In today's dating world, many people are looking for a partner who is socially aware, open-minded, and supportive of marginalized communities. This type of person is often referred to as a "woke bae." However, not everyone who claims to be woke actually lives up to that label. Here are 15 signs that the guy you're dating isn't the woke bae he thinks he is.

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1. He Doesn't Listen to Your Experiences

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One of the key qualities of a woke bae is the ability to listen and empathize with others, especially those from marginalized communities. If your boyfriend dismisses or invalidates your experiences as a woman, person of color, or member of the LGBTQ+ community, he may not be as woke as he claims.

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2. He Makes Offensive Jokes

A woke bae should understand the impact of their words and refrain from making offensive jokes or comments. If your boyfriend regularly makes jokes that perpetuate harmful stereotypes or belittle marginalized groups, he's not as socially aware as he thinks.

3. He's Ignorant About Social Justice Issues

Being woke means being informed about social justice issues and actively working to combat systemic oppression. If your boyfriend is ignorant about important social justice topics or shows little interest in learning more, he may not be as woke as he claims.

4. He Doesn't Support Your Activism

A woke bae should be supportive of your activism and efforts to create positive change in the world. If your boyfriend is dismissive of your passions or doesn't take your activism seriously, he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

5. He Prioritizes His Comfort Over Your Safety

Being woke means being aware of and sensitive to the experiences and safety of marginalized groups. If your boyfriend prioritizes his own comfort over your safety or disregards your concerns about your well-being, he may not be as empathetic as he claims.

6. He Doesn't Educate Himself

A woke bae should take the initiative to educate themselves about social justice issues and the experiences of marginalized communities. If your boyfriend relies on you to educate him or shows little interest in learning on his own, he may not be as socially aware as he claims.

7. He's Defensive When Called Out

Nobody is perfect, and it's important to be open to learning and growing, especially when it comes to social justice issues. If your boyfriend becomes defensive or dismissive when called out for problematic behavior, he may not be as open-minded as he claims.

8. He Doesn't Acknowledge His Privilege

Being woke means acknowledging and understanding your privilege, and using it to uplift and support marginalized communities. If your boyfriend is unaware of his privilege or refuses to acknowledge it, he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

9. He's Not Vocal About Important Issues

A woke bae should use their platform to speak out against injustice and advocate for positive change. If your boyfriend is silent on important social justice issues or doesn't use his voice to support marginalized communities, he may not be as socially aware as he claims.

10. He Doesn't Challenge Problematic Behaviors

Part of being woke is actively challenging problematic behaviors and attitudes, especially within your own social circles. If your boyfriend doesn't speak up when he witnesses problematic behavior or attitudes, he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

11. He Doesn't Support Intersectional Feminism

True wokeness involves recognizing and addressing the intersecting forms of oppression that marginalized individuals face. If your boyfriend doesn't support intersectional feminism or fails to consider the unique experiences of marginalized individuals, he may not be as socially aware as he claims.

12. He Doesn't Take Accountability

Being woke means being willing to take accountability for your actions and their impact on others. If your boyfriend refuses to take responsibility for his mistakes or their impact on marginalized communities, he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

13. He Doesn't Respect Your Boundaries

Respecting boundaries is crucial in any healthy relationship, and this includes respecting your boundaries around social justice issues. If your boyfriend disregards your boundaries or forces you to engage in conversations or activities that make you uncomfortable, he may not be as empathetic as he claims.

14. He Doesn't Support Your Growth

A woke bae should support your personal and social justice growth, and encourage you to continue learning and advocating for positive change. If your boyfriend doesn't support your growth or tries to hinder your activism, he may not be as socially aware as he claims.

15. He Lacks Empathy

At the core of wokeness is empathy and understanding for the experiences of others. If your boyfriend lacks empathy for the struggles of marginalized communities or shows little concern for social justice issues, he may not be as socially conscious as he claims.

In conclusion, being a woke bae goes beyond just claiming to be socially aware. It requires continuous learning, growth, and active support for marginalized communities. If your boyfriend exhibits several of these signs, it may be time to reassess whether he truly lives up to the label of a woke bae. Remember, you deserve a partner who is genuinely supportive and empathetic towards social justice issues.